The Classic Balcony — Garden Connections | Toronto & Vancouver

The Classic Balcony

Associated with the traditional architecture of grand homes and palaces, our Classic design concepts are characterized by geometric and symmetrical shapes. These designs can be structured with formal topiary, or have a relaxed formality interspersed with loose arrangements in beautiful plant containers.

Gatsby was an astonishing persona. F. Scott Fitzgerald even believed that he had dreamed the entire novel. But Gatsby took on a life of his own. Which can happen when you let yourself dream.

When Gatsby returned to his home, the first place he visited was the beautiful balcony space to breathe in the fresh air. Even the way he did it made people talk. Gatsby’s balcony was like nothing ever seen before. No one could take their eyes off of the beauty. Even a person who notices nothing could not help but notice something, and that something was beautiful.

Our Classic design concepts are created with the uncompromising spirit of Gatsby's balcony. Fitzgerald’s Gatsby could have dozens of gorgeous balconies. Imagine. Never mind. All that matters is that you have one, just one. A piece of how things were and how they can be.